Pet Portraits

Gallery of Selected Artwork by Elyssa Bakker


Interested in commissioning Elyssa to do a portrait of your pet?

To get started, email me your contact information and I will reply via email requesting a favorite photo of your four-legged family member that you would like to use as a likeness. Upon reviewing the photo I will recommend a media for the portrait and provide you with a price quote and time estimate.

If you are interested in proceeding, I require a 50% deposit in advance. You will receive photos of the work in progress, and after completion of the portrait, I’ll e-mail a digital image of the completed work. At this time some changes can still be made. Once you are completely satisfied with the painting your final payment will be required. Once payment is made, the final copy will be shipped via USPS and insured for its full value. Shipping costs are your responsibility.

If you would like to commission a portrait, or if you just have questions about the process, do not hesitate to contact me and I’ll respond as soon as possible.
Pet Portraits
All images on this site are copyrighted © by Elyssa Bakker. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.