"Keeping Watch" -- Oil on Canvas 42 x 30. Elyssa entered this work into the 2014 Grace Centre Juried Art Exhibition, where it earned her recognition as Best Emerging Artist.
Says Juror Amy Kincaid: "This painting captured me on first sight. The mood and images declare a presence that is ominous. Nice use of the brush and color palette. Continue to study the figure and keep painting!"

"Unassuming Beauty" -- Colored Pencil Drawing. Elyssa entered this work into the 2013 National Junior Duck Stamp Contest, where it won First Place for the State of North Carolina.

"Z-Lines" - Watercolor pencil drawing. This piece won a Silver Key Award at the 2012 Western Carolina Scholastic Art Competition sponsored by the Asheville Art Museum.

"Fossilized" - Colored Pencil Drawing. This piece won Best of Show at the 2011 ACSI Southern District student art show.

"Eva" - Watercolor painting. This piece won Best of Show at the 2012 ACSI Southern District student art show.